Final Reports
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AGT10 - Agronomic evaluation of short season brassica spp for low rainfall and short season environment
Project aims 1. Agronomic evaluation of Brassica species suitable for low rainfall zones of the Western Australia wheatbelt. 2. Increase the adoption of canola and improve the profitability of the cropping rotation in low rainfall zones.
DAQ00145 - Travel Award - Richard Routley to attend and present a paper at Farming Systems Design 2009
Name of conference attended / reason for travel: The primary purpose of the travel was to attend and present a paper at 'Farming Systems Design 2009 - an international symposium on Methodologies for Integrated Analysis of Farm Production Systems', in Monterey, California.
VF00008 - Characterisation of low phytic acid wheat and barley
Phytic acid (PA) in grains results in malnutrition in humans and animals, low efficiency of P fertilisers and environmental pollution. Development of crops with low PA became a global strategy to combat these issues.
LWR00003 - Healthy Soil for Sustainable Farms
This project was developed to help farmers and advisors in the sugar, grains and cotton industries of Queensland and northern New South Wales to understand of soil health and to develop more sustainable soil management practices for their farms.
KAL00001 - Refinement of Crop Input and Management Strategies to Optimize Farm Profitability and Reduce Risk - Practice for Profit- Canola
Objectives To determine the yield, quality and profitability of three currently grown canola varieties compared to three potential replacements evaluated under three grower management practises in the region serviced by the West Wagin Top Crop Group.
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ABT00002 - Improving knowledge on best practice use of zinc phosphide for in-crop mouse control
Animal Control Technologies Australia developed MOUSEOFF® Zinc Phosphide Bait# to provide the grains industry with an effective, safe and cost effective mouse control option. The product can be used at all stages of crop growth to reduce the development of ‘plague’ mice populations.
ABE00001 - Improved pollination practices with honey bees
Incidental and unpaid pollination services from feral and managed honeybee hives are worth over $4 billion a year to Australian agriculture. However recent experiences in the United States of America, New Zealand and Europe indicate these 'free' but valuable services may soon cease.
BWD18 - The Economic Analysis and Communication of Best Practice in Wimmera and Mallee
The project involved the development and extension of economic principles and outcomes, relevant to the farming systems of the Wimmera and Mallee of Victoria (VIC). The economic viability of Mallee and Wimmera growers and rural communities is highly dependent on how growers handle risk.
DAS00041 - Pathology support for pulse crops in the southern region_ SA module
Disease is one of the major yield constraints in pulse crops in Australian cropping systems. This project aimed to collect information on prevalence and severity of the pathogens on pulse crops in the southern regions, and to gather epidemiology data associated with these pathogens.
UA00060 - Developing management systems for brome grass, a serious threat to production systems on fragile sandy textured soils in southern Australia
Brome grass is a serious threat to crop productivity on sandy textured soils in southern Australia. As a consequence of the project UA00060, vital information has been obtained on the seedbank ecology and population dynamics of brome in response to various management strategies developed through on-farm research.