VF00008 - Characterisation of low phytic acid wheat and barley
Project Start Date | 30 January 2008 |
Project End Date | 30 November 2009 |
Supervisor Name | Chengdao Li (Principal Research Officer) |
Organisation | Department of Agriculture & Food, Government of Western Australia |
Contact name | Chengdao Li |
Region | West |
Summary | Phytic acid (PA) in grains results in malnutrition in humans and animals, low efficiency of P fertilisers and environmental pollution. Development of crops with low PA became a global strategy to combat these issues. The project generated low PA mutants from Australian wheat and barley varieties Wyalkatchem |
Conclusions | Major conclusions and recommendations: Low phytic acid wheat and barley mutants were generated first time from Australian varieties, which provided basis for the Australian wheat and barley breeding programs to develop low phytic wheat and barley varieties in the future. The progress in the current project demonstrated that mutation breeding is an efficiency approach to develop new germplasm or varieties with novel traits. We have also investigated more than 400 barley germplasm for grain P content. This information is critical for the breeding programs to select parents for development of new varieties with low phytic acids through either conventional or mutation breeding. Candidate genes and molecular markers developed in the project will accelerate the breeding process for low phytic acid. Comparisons between three lpa mutants and their wild type Dash It is a world trend to develop low phytic crops, which address nutritional and enviromental issues. Low phytate rice, maize, soybean and barley varieties have been developed and commercialised in other countries. Australia is far behind these other countries. The following key issues should be addressed in the future;
Achievement/Benefits | Project achievements: More than 100 potential low phytic acid wheat and barley mutants were generated by 250 Gy Cobalt-60 gamma ray irradiation and introduced into Australia. Three lpa mutants, designated as B14, B31, B34, were identified from the Dash Industry benefits: Biofortification breeding with the aim to develop new crop varieties with increased content and/or bioavailability of important micronutrients has become an important tool in combatting global malnutrition. Phytic acid or hexa-myo-inositol phosphate is a compound found in most cereals and grain legumes. It accounts for about 70% of phosphate in barley and wheat grains and is not digestible by humans and mono-gastric animals. Phytic acid sequesters divalent cations such as Fe2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+. In humans and other mono-gastric animals; such as pigs and chickens the presence of large amounts of phytic acid in the diet can be related to two significant issues. It can significantly compromise the uptake of divalent nutrients resulting in mineral nutrient deficiencies. Small scale human and animal experiments have shown 50% higher iron (Fe) and 76% higher Zn efficiency of low phytic acid maize. It is a significant issue for pregnant and lactating women and for growing pigs and chickens. The second aspect, especially in relation to young pigs and chickens fed diets high in phytic acid, is that a significant amount of phosphate will be unavailable and will be excreted in the faeces. This has consequences for intensive animal husbandry and effluent management. The phosphate will eventually end up in river and lake system. Thus, high phytic acid in grains results in malnultrition in humans and animals, low efficiency of P fertilisers and environmental pollution. Development of crops with low phytic acid is becoming a global strategy to combat these issues, which supported by FAO, WHO and IAEA of United Nation. New varieties with low phytic acid have been developed in rice, maize, barley and soybean, and commercialised in USA, Europe, Canada, Japan and China. Australian international market competitor Canada has released its first low phytic acid barley. The low phytic acid mutant research will make Australia the international leader on breeding low phytic acid wheat varieties in the world. The research on barley will reduce the gap between Australia and Canada barley industry on phytic acid. The new wheat and barley varieties will eventually enable growers to produce high nutrition crops, make more profits for barley and wheat end-users, improve P fertilizer efficiency and protect water system from P pollution. |
Other Research | Other opportunities that emerged during the course of the project: A large number of mutants have been generated in wheat and barley with novel traits, including novel wheat quality and high temperature tolerance. For example, a wheat mutant has more than doubled grain Zn content; a barley mutant demonstrated high grain plumpness under high temperature stress. Futher research projects are required to further characterise these new gemplasm. Mutation breeding techniques have played a very significant role in addressing world food and nutritional security problems by developing new mutant germplasm and mutant varieties. By the end of 2009, induced mutations have made significant contributions in development and release of more than 3000 mutant varieties in more than 170 crop species by more than 60 countries in the world. Some new nuclear techniques, such as ion beam irradiation and space mutation, have the potential to increase the efficiency of mutation breeding. New opportunities such as the use of high-throughput screening techniques are also emerging. These can increase the speed and efficiency of mutation induction and development of new mutant varieties. The current project has established a wide international network for mutation through the International Atomic Energy, which will provide opportunity for Australian researchers and breeders to access the new techniques. |
Published Date | 31 October 2018 |
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